Page name: the official wolvie fan club of doom [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-07-02 04:20:29
Last author: HeAVenShallBuRN
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 15
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so you want me to stay on EP? Proove it show me some loving

add your name here with a reason why you want me to stay please [also doesn't hurt to stroke my ego a little >.> xD]
1. [Silverline] Wolvie is an amazing friend and if she leaves EP the world will cry.
2. [garbageman82] Wolvie is one of my best friends, the queen of the EP RPGs, and EP just wouldn't be the same if she left. :(
3. [Ritsuka-Kun] cause if you left ep would implode and bullet would forever be mad at chu o.o
4. [HeAVenShallBuRN] Because...if you leave elf pck..we'll all cry and the world would blow up into a billion gajillion spielling pieces >.> Then we'd have to call all the kings horses and all the kings put it back together again

Oy aprroves of this wiki

[wolvie] is proud to present...THE OFFICIAL [wolvie] FAN CLUB OF DOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a place to celebrate the amazingness that is [wolvie]!!!!!!!

Sign your name below if you lovers the amazing [wolvie]!!!!
.1: [GlassCasket] is this legal? XD
2.[~forgotten~] I LOVES YOU WOLVIE
3. [Ritsuka-Kun]
4.[Deg] OMG!!!!11!!@2! Wolvie loves the Dark Tower series!!
5.[¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦] WOLVIE ISH ME BEST FRIEND AND SISSY!
6. [Silverline] Wolvie is an amazing friend and if she leaves EP the world will cry.
7. [LinkTurrner] Ta wolive you wouldn't dare leave. :O I tis love you too much and and well than I would cry and tie you down and make you stay.
8. [HeAVenShallBuRN] Because! You'd totally need to come to me and Kitteh's ep wedding :o she needs a brides maid!


Want to tell [wolvie] how utterly amazing she is? (yeah i have an amazing self image at the moment ^^) go here!!! What do you think of Wolvie?

Feel free to decorate and add whatever you want to this wiki if you think it is amazing like the oh so awesome [wolvie] I ish too lazy to add pics right now so damnit you guys add some ^^

Drawn for me by the amazing Kimmi ^^

Hatty lovers elfpack ^^

Poltical Humor Time!!!!!!!!!


Cause this guy says you cant leave :D and you wouldnt want to make bullet cry would you? :D
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2008-11-05 [wolvie]: woot?

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: woot!

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: beer!

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: vodca!

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: METALLICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: Mustang!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: i ish running out of idears for pics

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: hmmmmm

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: i must ponder

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: i'll brb.

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: tay

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: have you seen highlander?

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: no whats that?

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: its a movie.

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: it does sound vaguelly familiar whats it about?

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: immortals fighting untill there is only one left.

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: hmmm interesting

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: its a good movie.

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: sweet

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: yeah

2008-11-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: ^_^

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: >:)

2008-11-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: chee

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: inso

2008-11-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: mew

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: my job rocks ^^

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: hells yeah.

2008-11-05 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: hola peeps

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: hi mon

2008-11-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: omg ish mon ^^

2008-11-05 [GlassCasket]: lmao...

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: hehe

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: omg ish also deadwater!!!!!!!!!

2008-11-05 [GlassCasket]: wazzz good???

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: i lovers how you added your name mr dead made me laugh ^_^

2008-11-05 [GlassCasket]: lol thanks ^.^ i do that a lot i even joined my own fan club...

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: nice ^_^

2008-11-05 [Boomnesss]: lol

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: kimmi ish still my number one fan though even says so up ther ^_^

2008-11-05 [GlassCasket]: lol

2008-11-05 [Boomnesss]: yesh I ish, for Wolvie ish amazering^_^

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: i so ish ^_^

2008-11-05 [Boomnesss]: hey! <img:mood16-gif.gif> *grumbles* I requested # 1 :(

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: but you still ish # 1 ^)^

2008-11-05 [GlassCasket]: lol im only number .1

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: dead fool hash a point ^^

2008-11-05 [Boomnesss]: lol

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: i ish cold

2008-11-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: mew

2008-11-05 [GlassCasket]: lmao

2008-11-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: omg dude i had no clues you loved the dark tower two ^_^

2008-11-05 [Deg]: I love the dark tower forevers haha

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: YAY!!!!!!!!!!! ^)^ *huggles the mysterious jabber dude who ish really deggles in disguise*

2008-11-05 [Deg]: haha thanks

2008-11-05 [GlassCasket]: umm *is confused*

2008-11-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: woot

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: ish a long story dead dude ^_^

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: plot

2008-11-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -nods-

2008-11-05 [GlassCasket]: kk lol

2008-11-05 [Dead_Man_Walking]: sorry. i'm just sayin' random things lol

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: <img:mood17-gif.gif>

2008-11-05 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: Hey.

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: omg hey

2008-11-05 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: <img:stuff/happyemote.gif>Hey.

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: how ish you?!

2008-11-05 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: <img:stuff/happyemote.gif><img:stuff/happyemote.gif><img:stuff/happyemote.gif><img:stuff/happyemote.gif><img:stuff/happyemote.gif><img:stuff/happyemote.gif><img:stuff/happyemote.gif><img:stuff/happyemote.gif><img:stuff/happyemote.gif><img:stuff/happyemote.gif><img:stuff/happyemote.gif><img:stuff/happyemote.gif><img:stuff/happyemote.gif><img:stuff/happyemote.gif>Happy!!!

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-11-05 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: Yeah.<img:BR-GIF.gif>

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: rawhides dont taste good

2008-11-05 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: nope.

2008-11-05 [~forgotten~]: mew*hides*

2008-11-05 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: Blood does......

2008-11-05 [~forgotten~]: blood taste nummy

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: agreed but not rawhide ^^

2008-11-05 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: Yup. ^^

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: shit!

2008-11-05 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: wat?
Dummes Huhn

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: no i forgot to feed my niece an hour ago :(

2008-11-05 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: sowie

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: ish otay i just fed her

2008-11-05 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: lol. wow.

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: i feel bad though poor kid

2008-11-05 [~forgotten~]: everybody makes mistakes^^

2008-11-05 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: y?

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: poor kid though im usually more responsible then that hahaha she's got her walker caught between the ottoman and wall and cant figure out how to get out XD

2008-11-05 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: lol.

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: damn she figured it out >.<

2008-11-05 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: Damn! >.< lol.

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: yay my bro is home D'oh! i cant go home yet

2008-11-05 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: lol. haha.

2008-11-05 [wolvie]: damn my luck >.< i blame teh snow

2008-11-05 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: lol. ok.

2008-11-06 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: yo m8 hetfield looks like beast playin the guitar

2008-11-06 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: Wow, that wuz random!

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: omg he does XD

2008-11-06 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: lol. RANDOM TIME!

2008-11-06 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: he is like arhhhh yes very random

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: i ish so fuckin tired gah i wanna go home!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-11-06 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: Sowie<img:ice-gif.gif>

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: ish otay just annoying

2008-11-06 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: why cant you go home

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: cuz stupid brother's girlfriend isnt here to give me a ride

2008-11-06 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: Oh, That sux.

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: i ish finally home that was a 12 work day woot

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: mew

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: OMG KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: OMG WOLVIE@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: OMG hi ^^

2008-11-06 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: OMG CHRONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_o

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: OMG EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: OMG BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: OMG STUFF!

2008-11-06 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: OMG!!!!! I HURTED MY FOOT T_T

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: OMG sadness

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: OMG -MONSHTER HUGGLES FOR CHRONO-

2008-11-06 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (huggles back) i ish ok ^^

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yay ^^

2008-11-06 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (nods)

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: how dare you insult curious george?!??!

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: o.o

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: you heard me, insulting curious george is not ok

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i would never...i lovers that monkey

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: me two he ish like my hero monkey

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: i need a pic of him

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i shall looks

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: <img:>

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: omg amazing!!! and thanks ^^

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: welcomes

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: he freaking rocks

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: he does and it looks like he wants a hug or to be picked up or he wants a banana im not sure

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: or all three at the same time ^^

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: hmmmmmmm

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: ish a very good question

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: will we ever know?

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: i know not

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: me either but i has a coffee table that my dog likes to lay one......she just rolled off of it

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: omg...that is like...uber amazing

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: it was and so she climbs back up and proceeds to sleep again

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: omg...i wish i could see that ^_^

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^ me too

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: turtle and puppy are both asleep here woot!

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: woot!

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: alls quite on the western front ^^

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: damn she woke but she's starting to fall asleep again

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: weird when i turned the tv off she woke up so i turned it back on and she went right back asleep

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: hmmmmm odd

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: oh noes the puppy ish awake!

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: o.o

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: she went outside for i ish evil like that

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: but dogs like going outside

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: that ish true

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: beer?

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ish good and stuff!

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: ^)^

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: woot!

2008-11-06 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: hi.

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: hey ^^

2008-11-06 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: watz up.

2008-11-06 [wolvie]: omg i do get paid today i may get the net on today after all!!!

2008-11-06 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: Yay!

2008-11-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: woot!

2008-11-07 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: yay!

2008-11-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-11-07 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: <img:mood4-gif.gif>

2008-11-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: o.o

2008-11-07 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: My friend ish stoned and me ish scared of stoned ppl!

2008-11-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: whoa

2008-11-07 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: Wat? My grandpa 1 time got stone and chased my grandma around a table w/a knife so yeah...i wuz ish 6.

2008-11-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: o.o

2008-11-07 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: yeah, so im scared of ppl who r stoned.

2008-11-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -nods- good reason

2008-11-07 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: Yeah.<img:brN-gif.gif>

2008-11-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -nods-

2008-11-07 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: wat u want 2 talk bout?

2008-11-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i dunno

2008-11-07 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: ....<img:brN-gif.gif>

2008-11-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-11-07 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: ~^-^~

2008-11-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: mew mew

2008-11-07 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: rawr rawr...

2008-11-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: chirp chirp

2008-11-07 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: ~^-^~

2008-11-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-11-07 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: <img:BR-GIF.gif>

2008-11-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: woot!

2008-11-07 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: <img:br22-gif.gif><img:drunk.gif><img:hh-gif.gif><img:zabuN-gif.gif><img:img/mood/5_1116340164.jpg>

2008-11-07 [Deg]: <img:img/mood/5_1116262874.jpg>

2008-11-07 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: :~P

2008-11-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: woot!

2008-11-07 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: ~6-6~

2008-11-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

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